Search Engine Optimisation

In order for people to use a search engine to find your website, your website firstly has to be optimised so that the search engine’s automated indexing process can easily identify what your website is about.  This is called SEO (search engine optimisation).  It is not mumbo jumbo, nor rocket science, just simply making your website understandable to an automated system so that it adds you correctly to a central database, the very database used by the end user of the search engine in order to find you.

To complete the process effectively, you need to work closely with the business owners to ensure that the webpage content is both relevant and with fresh content.  Think of stale content going out of fashion.  This time needs to be paid for, and prices for SEO typically range from €100+VAT per month upwards depending on the amount of work needed.  Clients with dual domains, ie .com and .ie or, we charge no extra if they are the same website.

What we actually do, is look at the wider business, come up with digital marketing ideas, discuss them with the business owners, help with drafting or altering the page by page content, creating a keyword, description, heading and hash tag matrix, then implementing this on the existing website.

Linking with Social Media

Where it is advisable for some clients to link their website with a social media presence, we can provide this consultancy and optionally add this into the monthly SEO tariff at a cost of €80.00+VAT per month.  We will not actually do any social media posts, as this is always best left to someone within the business, but, we will just ensure that the SEO is enabled for social media and maintained for SEO from a technical viewpoint should the link at either end need to be changed.  A client may ask for advise on any aspect of social media, and social media security.